Angel Investigations - Misfiled
The Guide continues. Remember, if you spot any errors I haven't, please wing 'em on over to
joker1978@hotmail.com and if you're right you'll be listed
with your entry. Here's some more nits:
These are Second Season nits. Did you want:
First Season?
Third Season?
Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been
Okay, not a nit, but I'm certain the Orb of Ramjerin here was originally intended by Tim Minear to be an Orb of Thesulah (of
the kind used to restore Angel's soul). I mean, why else call the demon a Thesulac? That conjuring orb was surely meant to be Thesulan,
but Joss (or David G) probably said that that orb's function is not to make a demon corporeal.
First Impressions
In this episode, Cordelia displays some confusion over the term "stool pigeon", meaning
informant. Specifically, she refers to Gunn's source as a "pigeon stool". However, in Judgement
she had no such problems. When entering the karaoke bar for the first time, Cordelia wondered that
Wesley's "stool pigeon" (Merl) would frequent such a place. Why the change now?
While Angel is sleeping, Darla is encouraging him to remember the night she gave him the gypsy girl, all trussed up. She says of the girl, "We sucked her blood till she was dry."
We? In Five by Five, Darla said that the girl wasn't just for Angel - "I get to watch." She didn't participate in the draining of the gypsy girl. That
was all Angel.
When Bethany throws her father out of the window, he falls several stories, and comes to a sudden stop inches above the ground. Mark that: sudden stop.
In physics, it is the change in forces that causes effects, not the objects themselves. What I mean is, that man stopping as though he's hit the ground, is
the same as if he had hit the ground. In other words, he should still be smooshed by hitting a mystical 'ground' instead of the real ground.
The Shroud of Rahmon
Wesley tells Cordelia, "Angel drank human blood, from a living person. Something he hasn't done in a very long time." Or a year and a half...
Wesley may have just been rendered useless by Buffy's resignation in Graduation Day, part 2 (in Buffy's third season) but he was still around.
How can he not know (or remember) that Angel drank Buffy's blood, nearly killing her, at that time? And why doesn't Cordelia (who was also there) correct him? This seems
very forgetful of the two of them.
Angel seems certain Darla will rise again tonight. Why? While it's true this occasionally happens, most vamps have time to be buried by their families before they
truly begin their unlife (see many, many episodes of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer). This usually takes, what? Three days or so? Why does Angel believe (correctly,
as it turns out) that Dar will rise tonight?
Drusilla says the moon told her to come into the 20th century. As though she were simple, Angel corrects her, saying this is the 21st century. Hello! Someone with a math
deficiency? Since the first century started in 1 AD, the 21st won't begin until 2001 AD.
(I'll grant the producers that, even though this episode aired on Dec 19th 2000, it may actually take place early in 2001. I think it unlikely, however, as the Buffy
ep this week had Giles hanging a sign proclaiming that Christmas was yet to arrive - and the two shows are pretty well synched, timeline-wise.)
Despite Merl's protestation to the contrary in Judgement, when hanging upside down we can see that he clearly has a tongue.
Blood Money
I can understand why Anne doesn't recognize Angel, even though he insulted her and the True Believers in their club in Sunnydale. After all, he was just one of many people she met there, and she never discovered he was a vampire. But I would think, especially after Anne admits her former yen for vampirism, that Angel would recall talking to her. Guess his mind was (understandably, I must admit) on other things.
Happy Anniversary
Gene tells Angel and the Host that he had no idea demons existed. Guess he must not have been looking too closely at all the demons in Caritas when he was there singing on Wednesday.
The Thin Dead Line
Angel decapitates the zombie cop, who continues to speak about eight words with his head detached from his body! Not to be all Physics Boy, but without lungs to force the air through his mouth, how is this guy speaking?
A minor note. In Redefinition, Gunn said that Angel locked 20 lawyers in a room with Dar and Dru. Darla refined this number, saying she sent a "15 body memo". Here, Kate states for the record that there were 13 lawyers killed. (Meaning Angel locked 15 lawyers in the room, and Dar only sent a 13 body memo.) Just sayin'.
Why does a Senior Partner need to come to the offices for a review? Previous dialogue has always implied that the Partners were keeping a very close eye on the proceedings at Wolfram & Hart. I don't quite understand the need for a personal visit.
Okay, so when Angel comes into W&H, a shaman senses his entrance and security knows that Angel is on this floor. Fair enough. So how did Darla get in undetected? She was there before Angel.
Wesley uses de-oculation powder to destroy the Skilosh spawn in Cordelia's skull. In Reprise he used a "curative charm" to heal Stephanie Sharpe. Why the difference?
Okay, not technically a nit, since it's an easy mistake for a character to make, but the Host calls Cordelia 'Brown Eyes'. To quote Queen C herself: "My eyes are hazel, Helen Keller."
Dead End
At one point, Lindsey (at home in his apartment) stabs his new hand with a letter opener, trying to prompt it to write of its own accord again. A spot of blood quickly appears. He then pricks it twice more in rapid succession. Only one additional blood spot appears, however.
Then, after transferring the letter opener to his right hand, we see that there are indeed now three pricks in his hand. Why did the third wound bleed so much slower than the others?
Why doesn't Landoc look down on humans, as everyone else does on his home planet [see Over the Rainbow]? He doesn't even say, "Krevlorn Swath, why are you associating with these cow scum?" Is he just more enlightened than all others in Pylea?
Over the Rainbow
The portal in Caritas is drained. Understandable. The Drokken came through, then shortly afterwards Landoc and Cor went through (together). There's no energy left. Wes assumes the one in the library is, too. Why? Sure, Landoc came through it. And Fred did, too - four years ago! Isn't it at least worth trying, in case during those intermediate 4 years some of the strength came back to it? Why rule that portal out completely?
Why does Angel even have to ask who they know that has handcuffs? Shouldn't Kate automatically spring to mind? She's a cop for goodness sake! (Or, was.)
Wes theorizes that the book didn't come through with them because it only opens portals to, and not from Pylea. He's obviously forgetting that the book brought Landoc to Earth. What he must mean is that he suspects the magic of the book is linked to Earth in such a way that it is not compatible with Pylea, and thus would not work there and won't even travel there. (After all, the vampire aversion to sunlight is ineffective there - so some effect is visible on supernatural properties over in Pylea.)
Through the Looking Glass
Angel is dismayed to witness his hairstyle in the mirror. So, when he was a human last year (I Will Remember You, the best episode ever BTW) he didn't bother to look in the mirror? Why not?
The Gruesselugh states that he is "anatomically equipped to mate only with humans" (to Cordelia's relief). So, if Pyleans and 'cows' can't mate, how is he 'half-cow'? What's the other half?
Wesley tells Gunn that Angel looks like his inner demon "in its purest form" now. Um, I don't think so. Vampires were created by the last of the Old Ones to leave our dimension. The demon soul that infects Angel is carried by its blood within him. Anya told the Scooby Gang (Graduation Day, Part 1) that the Old Ones aren't like any demons Buffy has ever faced. They're "bigger, for one thing". Angel's inner demon, in its purest form, wouldn't look anything like a humanoid.
There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb
I hate to bring it up again. I know it's supposed to be cute, but...
A head can't talk without a body. I'd be willing to accept that the Dethwa clan has vocal chords located entirely within the head cavity, and that somehow it can survive by psychic energies of some kind from its body (we know his people are psychic, so some babbly explanation here would probably suffice). But, as in The Thin Dead Line, with no way to force air through the throat (i.e., with no lungs) there is no way a person can talk. No matter how remarkable Lorn's physique is, he shouldn't be able to talk without a body. Okay?
Why is Wes rough and unshaven while Gunn (both chin and head) is smooth as a newborn baby?
How does Angel get his car out of Caritas? Maybe he didn't (we don't see it after it rides through the portal) but surely we're expected to believe that he did. (Or will it never be seen again?) If the car did get out - how? The hallway is far too small for the car to get through.
Well, that's all I got for now. I'm sure mistakes will continue to be made, and I'll report 'em. You can be sure of that.
Gunn pic from Angel of Mine.