Played by: Bryan
Sex: Male
Clan: Gangrel
Generation: 13th
Position: Neonate
Born: Unknown
Long hair. Slim build. He is very well disguised. Usually wears a trench coat.
Black boots are a given and he has green, animal-like eyes.
He's a fairly young vampire, not to be tampered with. Although young,
he has cruel and disgusting ways to kill people.
He is wanted as a human (they think) in many states in the USA.
This is reason why he left and came to New Chelsea.
He seems very nice at first, but when you get to know him watch out.
He is now taking asylum in New Chelsea.
Animalism - strong
Protean - average
Fortitude - weak
Zeratul likes to blend in with humans posing as an animal.
Sometimes he'll even stay in his human state while conversing with other humans.
That is how he hunts, he gets to know them then, shabam! Goodbye human!
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