Sex: Male
Clan: Caitiff
Generation: 13th
Position: Elder
Born: 1384, somewhere in Western Europe.
He has long, straight, dark red hair and light skin. He has pointed ears and a somewhat pointed nose. These are the two factors that most often give him away as a vampire. Also, on his right shoulder, he has a symbol carved into the flesh which resembles an Irish crest, but has never before been positively identifed anywhere else.
He is very tricky, even to other vampires. His ablity to disguise his form makes him even more powerful, but by far Xero's greatest asset is his ablity to relate to children and to befriend them, making them perform his dark deeds during the day. Xero's greatest weakness is that he lets his heart take over his mind; he rushes into things despite words of wisdom from others.
But Animalism is also a stong trait of Xero's because he has learned the animal language, thus making all animals his servants.
Fortitude is Xero's only weak power. Because of his age he has yet to control it and so as a gift to him it is worthless until he matures and is able to control it.
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