Played by: Non-player character
Sex: Female
Position: Ghoul
Born: Brayback, Illinois. March 6th, 1975.
Miss Hiroshi is of Asian descent, and stands about 5'2" high. Her hair is dark, and her eyes a bright blue. Her complexion is
somewhat paler than a usual Oriental, due no doubt to the Kindred blood Leick keeps in her veins.
Trini was born in the small town of Brayback, IL. Her parents moved to New Chelsea when she was 14, and she was forced to leave behind her
friends. When she left home in 1991 she remained in the Gothic City, taking a job behind the counter in a jewelry store.
One night, she stumbled upon a tall man feeding on the blood of a young girl. She would have run, but was drawn in by his Presence. For some
reason, Leick didn't kill her, but fed her his Blood - without draining her first. She is now his Ghoul, and will do his bidding to
stay on the Blood.
Though the Blood makes her strong, Trini Hiroshi's main strength is her determination and strong will. Leick uses her to
get knowledge he cannot, and knows he can trust her to never let go of a lead.
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