Played by: Robert
Sex: Male
Clan: Caitiff
Generation: 9th
Position: Childe
Born: Los Angeles, 1970.
6' 2", long black hair, trimmed goatee, slim but defined build. Eye
patch over left eye. Long braid of hair hanging from left side of head. Black
combat fatigues, black trenchcoat, tanker boots.
Embraced while on leave from special forces five years ago to fill the
ranks of anarchs defending against a Sabbat seige. Afterwards became
a problem solver (hitman) for various of the Los Angeles Kindred, becoming very
high priced and very sought after. Given the nickname Shadow becuase of the
rumor that his shadow is all his victims ever see.
Celerity - Strongest
Protean - Medium
Obfuscate - weakest
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