Played by: Non-player character.
Sex: Male
Clan: Tremere
Generation: 8th
Position: Elder
Born: 1012, Scotland.
Rand is a tall, powerfully built Tremere. Around 6'10",
nearly 350lbs of muscle, he looks like he should play
professional football, or wrestle. He has long red hair and dark olive-green eyes, and a
tattoed anchor on his left forearm.
Rand was a warrior in 9th century Scotland, a well respected
one, even before his undeath. His size has always served to keep
his enemies wary. As a mortal he was Fianna kinfolk and fought
alongside them in their battles with the Wyrm. Then, in an effort to
preserve his life, he began to study sorcery, catching
the attention of a Tremere. They chose to Embrace him in hopes
he would give them an advantage over the Fianna. Although
they could not force him to betray them, he proved
useful in other ways, at infighting between the clans
and the like.
He is a warrior first, and tends to find ways to use
his Disciplines in a combat fashion, before studying
their applications in peacetime.
Currently Rand is living in a townhouse somewhere in the city of
New Chelsea, with a few Ghouled servants, none of them
English, a nice car, and a pension from the Prince for work as his enforcer.
Thaumaturgy is Rand's strongest power, and his preference is its
use in draining from his enemies, and increasing his own
effective generation temporarily.
Dominate is his next most important,
although it is not a close second.
He uses it merely to gain a quick advantage, or to freeze his
opponents by forcing them to remain immobile.
Auspex is the least developed, probably not more than the first
level of mastery, only using it to heighten his senses.
Rand studies rituals when he is not at work.
He is a suprisingly honest man, and never tries to cheat
his employer.
He works hard to remain simply a loyal employee, rather
than being seen as the powerful brute that he is.
He could probably be on the ruling council, were
it not more work than he wished to engage in,
so he simply remains a simple enforcer.
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