Sex: Male
Clan: Toreador
Generation: 10th
Position: Ancilla
Born: Roen, Bulgaria. March 3rd, 1753.
A Vampire named Lestat caught the (then) 17 year old trying to steal from him, and was about to kill the boy on the spot when he noticed the strength in Nalal's eyes. Instead of killing him, Lestat Embraced Nalal.
However, the relationship would not last, and Lestat moved on, leaving Nalal without a sire after only twenty years. The boy sought refuge with the local Prince, but the town was poor and the Prince had little to offer.
Nalal would spend the next two centuries wandering Europe, accumulating wealth and power - both mortal and immortal powers. Now, he resides in New Chelsea, IL, where few know exactly what his purposes are.
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