Sex: Female
Clan: Nosferatu
Generation: 10th
Position: Ancilla
Born: London, England. 1894.
On an evening cruise back to England, a gang of pirates who killed everyone on board the ship by slitting their throats and drinking their blood attacked their ship. Lilith was bitten and was turned. However, as soon as she turned, she transformed under the full moon into a hideous she-monster. In agony and sheer anger, she killed his pirate crew. Her master was pleased.
After spending a decade with her master, without learning his name, past or lineage, Lilith decapitated him and threw his body parts into shark infested waters.
She never did know the name or clan of the one who Embraced her. Her powers of illusion make her presentable, hiding her grotesque features to Vampire and human (that is, Kindred and Kine) alike. She traveled the Earth for over a century until she came upon New Chelsea, Illinois...
Lilith's Potence is immense. She is very strong and enjoys hand to hand combat but she will use human weapons and warfare techniques.
She has a reasonable amount of Obfuscational skills, such as disappearing before her opponent's eyes while still being there. She loathes using her cloaking ability to run from a fight though. Mostly, her Obfuscation is used to hide her hideousness.
Lilith's skills have not been fully explored by her. Although she has the ability of illusion, she has unknown powers that are not fully understood by her.