Played by: Non-player character.
Sex: Male
Clan: Toreador
Generation: 5th
Position: Prince, Elder
Born: Date unknown. Probably born in France in the early part of the first millennium.
Laplace is a male of medium height and curly dark hair. His clothing of choice is that of Renaissance France.
Alexander's features are well-defined and his eyes are a clear blue, with just a hint of madness lurking beneath them.
No-one knows exactly where Laplace came from or who his sire was. He was here in the town's humble beginnings, long before any other Kindred (or
most humans) had even heard of the place. Since the city became rich and powerful, the Prince was exposed to more and more luxuries. He now spends almost all of his time
locked in his room in the upper floor of an office complex, painting, eating, and indulging in debauchery.
His haven is the Bezoar Complex, a large stone building which has existed for at least a century. The city's inhabitants assume it is an office building, but is in actuality
the Prince's "palace" and home to the Primogen council meetings.
Although it is difficult to tell what the Prince's strengths are, since he rarely uses his Vampiric disciplines, it is thought that he has a strong Auspex - the power of telepathy.
Many disagree, saying that his Presence is the strongest of his powers. Few have had occasion to test his Celerity (lightning speed).
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