Played by: Kristin Stimpson
Sex: Female
Clan: Gangrel
Generation: 13th
Position: Childe
Born: Wyoming. Jan 9th, 1970.
She has blond hair, shoulder length. Violet eyes. Roughly 5 feet tall.
Kayla wanted to go to a different life, to escape her own mortal life, so she was Embraced by an unknown
vampire of the Gangrel clan. She uses her piercing violet eyes to study others, to go straight to their non-existing soul.
She keeps to herself with the company of a wolf she calls Gorge.
Animalism: strongest
Protean: medium
Fortitude: weakest
She uses her animal kinship to call on a certain beast's skill. Whatever is needed. She often shape-shifts into a wolf
to go for hunts on full moons.
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