Played by: Scott Grimson
Sex: Male
Clan: Tremere
Generation: 11th
Position: Ancilla
Born: August 4th, 1805. Chicago, IL, USA.
Average height, dark hair. Grey eyes, with a red
tinge, from certain angles. Has the appearance of
someone not to be reckoned with and also the
strength to carry the threat through.
Grew up in Chicago. He was embraced and also released of his sire before Jareth
made the unwise choice of compromising the Masquerade. All his childer were made to suffer,
Primogen were killed with him and Neonates were banished from the city.
Karenthuras travelled around a bit in Kindred society before finding a quiet domain on the edge of the City of New Chelsea, Illinois.
His domain is on the south side of the city, where a patch of wasteland dissipates into forest. Not very deep into the forest, a small house used to be.
It is not there now, no, not even the ruins, but the basement still exists. Well hidden and undistinguishable
on the forest floor is the entrance. It leads down to a much enlarged basement with catacombs off in several directions.
Here Karenthuras can practice his magic to perfection with little interruption.
Karenthuras, by far, excels in his powers of mind control, but being of Tremere orientation, has very powerful magical skill.
He has had many years since neonate and has become an accomplished sorcerer. Auspex is a power which he has not yet honed
but he still reads minds well and is very perceptive.
Karenthuras is also known to the kindred as Karl,
for short, but he doesn't like to be called this
on a regular basis. (He is quite picky, and has
mood swings very often. Everything may be OK one moment
and not the next. This trait is especially true
when meeting new Kindred. Apart from this, he is
Tremere, which gives him an edge when it comes to
weird personalities.)
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