Sex: Male
Clan: Gangrel
Generation: 13th
Position: Neonate
Born: New York, New York, 1938.
Born in New York, Johnnie was accosted on the street one evening by an attacking vampire. Johnnie beat the Cainite up pretty bad, leaving the Gangrel quite impressed. When Johnnie found out what his opponent was he was terrified, but gradually got to know the man (Steve Mitchell) well. In fact, the two got along so well that Steve Embraced Johnnie at the age of 28. He taught him the ways of the Kindred for about thirty years before releasing him. Johnnie, feeling independent, moved out to New Chelsea, where he currently resides. Eschewing the usual tradition of sleeping in an abandoned building or underground, Hammond rents an apartment on the east side of town.
He has a certain amount of Protean ability. He can see like a cat in the dark and can produce vicious claws in a fight. For a short time after feeding, Johnnie has been known to be able to transform (at least partially) into a wolf, though this is extremely difficult for him.
He has little Animal Kinship. Sometimes he can talk to them, but usually not.