Played by: Non-player character
Sex: Male
Clan: Nosferatu
Generation: 7th
Position: Primogen, Elder
Born: Birmingham, England. December 25th, 1301.
Like all Nosferatu, Jack Lewis is uncredibly ugly. His face is wrinkled and distorted, with odd patches of hair being the only covering on his head.
His ears are pointed, and his teeth are all like fangs, sticking out uncomfortably from his mouth. He wears nice suits, though, to make up for his unattractive appearance.
Lewis was born to a middle-class family on Christmas day, 1301. He was unpopular due to his shyness and high intelligence. The torment from his peers grew so great that little Jack ran away from home at age 8.
His parents never found him.
Apparently, a Nosferatu Elder found the boy in the sewers, near death. The kindly Kindred took pity on the boy, and nursed him back to health. Unfortunately, it was a little too late.
Jack Lewis had contracted a deadly disease unknown to the doctors at the time. While in his twenties, he realised he would soon die, and asked the Nosferatu to Embrace him. The Elder
debated this, as becoming a Nosferatu is a terrible thing indeed. But in the end (and with the permission of the Prince) he agreed.
Jack's Becoming was a torment. The pain he suffered then (as it is with all Nosferatu) is still with him today, the reshaping of his body into the disgusting monstrosity we see today was
a hard time for the young man. But he survived it.
Lewis was torn inside. Happy to be alive, he was nonetheless horrified by his appearance, and frightened by his new abilities and the acts he must commit to stay alive. This inner turmoil kept him from
being a decent ruler, and his Primogen position in New Chelsea is his first attempt at such a job. The other (very few) Nosferatu in the city watch out for him, making sure he can handle the new power.
Lewis' Potence is his greatest power. Though his figure is slight, it hides great strength.
His Obfuscate is reasonably well-developed. He can be invisible in the shadows, and behind small objects, but never in the open.
Lewis' Animalism is weak, though his time living in darkness has made him close to the rodent population of the world.
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