Played by: Non-player character
Sex: Female
Clan: Ventrue
Generation: 9th
Position: Primogen, Elder
Born: It's impolite to ask a lady's age.
Iliana (apparently from Europe) has long dark hair, and large brown eyes. Like most Ventrue, she is immaculate and high-class. Her
clothing is always new and impeccably neat and she has little tolerance for impoliteness of any kind. While she is beautiful, no man would dare approach
her with that disdainful look she always wears.
An untraceable accent gives Iliana an odd quality, which characterizes her very well. She refuses to speak of her past, which some take to mean that she is not as
noble of birth as she makes out (though of course none would dare suggest this to her face). Her demeanor is rude, although she doesn't seem to realize it.
Her Presence is very strong indeed, adding to her mystique. Her Dominate is also quite strong, while her Fortitude is quite weak.
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