Played by: Non-player character.
Sex: Female
Clan: Malkavian
Generation: 8th
Position: Primogen, Elder.
Born: Paris, France, 1499.
Height: 5'7
Weight: 125 lbs.
Eye color: emerald green
Hair color: red
Before becoming a vampire, she was heir to a huge fortune. She is of aristocratic blood and used to
having the fine things in life. She is extremely kind, but vicious and brutal when angered.
Her beautiful and gentle appearance is not to be taken for granted.
Her strongest power is that of her psychic abilities. She is able to see the future and has visions of current happenings.
Her mind controlling is her second strongest power. She can manipulate thoughts. Her weakest is her ability to disappear.
She has not yet mastered the control, and only seems to be able to when she is extremely frightened.
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