Sex: Female
Clan: Malkavian
Generation: 13th
Position: Childe
Born: Red Valley, Virginia. 1974.
A group of pale-faced teenagers attacked her, but she escaped them. She saw one of them impaled through the heart on a wooden piece of fence, before his friend pulled him off - apparently none the worse for wear. That was when she knew something strange was going on.
She spent the next few months researching Vampires. Her intense hobby caused her to lose her job (she was too distracted) but she payed little heed. Separating myth from fact, Brooke gained much knowledge and made it her quest to destroy all Vampires. The very concept of them disgusted and horrified her.
Unfortunately, when hunting them in a city called New Chelsea, a gang of them Embraced her, and she is now one of them, experiencing first hand the pain of a Malkavian Becoming.