Sex: Female
Clan: Toreador
Generation: 12th
Position: Childe
Born: Wichita, KS, 1971.
During one of the night sessions, she ran over a handsome, older man named Nicholas Montrose. The two talked for a while, and Angelique's spirit soared. He listened to her talk about her work and understood everything she was going through. She spent the rest of the week by his side and in his bed, enraptured by this charasmatic man. She returned to work radiant and unable to stop thinking about Nicholas. She arranged to fly out to meet him that weekend in Chicago to see "Cats." However, on their way back to her hotel, they were mugged. During the robbery, Anqelique was shot. Nicholas rushed her to the hospital, where they were able to stabilize her condition. Nicholas only left her side long enough to make a few phone calls, to obtain permission to Embrace her. Since that night, Angelique has been learning the ways of the Masquerade, sheltered in the arms of her love. She will do anything to protect Nicholas and destroy anyone who threatens to come between them.