Sex: Male
Clan: Tremere
Generation: 10th (effectively)
Position: Ancilla
Born: Exeter, Devon, England. 1820.
Challenged elder siblings to duels (now outlawed) and, after surviving, returned parents to house.
Spent many years in gentle and silent study, but was always plagued by the fear of mortality and therefore the limitation of his knowledge.
Then one day was offered immortality and took it. Has tried to come to terms with his self-imposed "curse". As time passed he became less human in emotions. Although still has one desire: "knowledge for its own sake".
Roche, using his Japanese identity of Ryu Kassiguru, has taken over the Yakuza clan, in the Japanese quarter of New Chelsea. In addition, he slew his Elder, Marcus Grogan, and drank of his Blood. In doing so he not only raised his generation to 10th, rather than 14th, but he became Primogen, with much of the knowledge and power of Marcus Grogan absorbed through Thaumaturgy.