The movie opens with a scene in the Dark Ages. A Watcher hands a knife to a Slayer, who is seated. They recite some sacred words and
the Watcher (Merrick) says: "Let Satan tremble, the Slayer is born." The Slayer holds the knife aloft, and we cut to:
An identical girl (Buffy) who holds a pom-pom aloft. Some funky music begins and we see that she is cheerleading at a basketball game.
The opening credits roll during this sequence.
At the cinema, the girls chatter loudly. They discuss the fact that Buffy's parents are going away to Europe for the weekend, and that her
boyfriend Jeffrey is staying over. Behind them, two guys begin complaining about the noise. This is Pike and Benny. Benny begins to get
quite upset: "Come on! We paid good money to see this!" to which Pike reminds him: "No we didn't!"
After the movie, Buffy meets her boyfriend Jeffrey, who just dropped off his buddy Grueller.
While Grueller is walking through a park on his way home (it is now dark) he hears a noise behind him. Turning, he sees a merry-go-round
slowing to stop. On one of the horses, sits a pale, frizzy-haired man (Amilyn). He snarls.
I'm a little hazy on the order of the next few scenes. I apologize for any mistakes herein.
At some point (I forget where) we see Buffy dreaming that she is the Medieval Slayer, and is killed by Lothos. The next scene shows Amilyn talking to a coffin,
saying to his Master inside that when he wakes there will be a great bloodbath.
Buffy and her friends at school prepare for the senior dance: they are organizing it. They have to come up with
"a socially conscious theme. One that reflects the students' growing awareness of, and involvement in, the world around them."
To quote Jeffrey: "Downer!" They discuss such ecological threats as: litter, bugs ("Yah, I hate bugs!"), and the ozone layer ("Yeah, we've
got to get rid of that"). They are undecided at the conclusion of the meeting (interrupted by Administrator Gary Murray's interjection "First bell, people.
Time marches on").
When the boys are walking home, they discuss the girls among other things. Pike falls unconscious from drunkenness, while Benny is taken by Amilyn. Merrick arrives in a car
in time to drag Pike away.
At night, Buffy has a dream that she prepares for bed and lays into the arms of Lothos.
In a darkened hall, we see Amilyn talking to Buffy's friend Cassandra. Amilyn tells her that she will be food for his Master. We see Lothos flying down to feed.
So she sees vampires come out of the ground, and they nearly kill her, but she gets them first. When Merrick takes her home, he tells her to meet him after school
the next day, to skip her cheerleading practice.
While Pike is in his room, he hears a sound at the window. It is Benny. He wants in. Pike is about to let him in when he notices that
Benny looks strange. "Are you on something?" he asks. "Nope," Benny replies laughing, and we see that he is floating outside Pike's second storey window. Eventually Pike realises
that he is flying and refuses to invite him in, for he knows that a vampire cannot enter your house unless invited.
Buffy shows up for cheerleading practice, and Merrick is there, telling her she was supposed to skip practice. She insists that she is not the Slayer, that Merrick must be wrong. He
admits that she has missed years of training, and is "quite possibly the most vacuous choice" he has come across. Buffy agrees (with reservations about that last point) and Merrick acts
as though he is going to leave her alone, but throws a knife at her head, which she skilfully catches. He did this to prove that she is the Slayer. In anger, she punches him. He reels from the blow.
She says that she has never hit anyone before. "Really?" Merrick asks, holding his bleeding nose. "Well you did it perfectly." She notes that she didn't even break a nail. And so she begins training.
Pike prepares to leave town. He is driving off when vampires suddenly attack his van. Amilyn punches through the roof, but Pike drives under a low branch and it takes Amilyn's arm off.
When Pike's van crashes, he tries to run from the vampires. Buffy shows up, though, and saves him. Merrick and Buffy inquire as to Pike's health. He faints. Buffy asks if Merrick knows Pike, as he
indicated recognition. Merrick replies that he is "someone rather fond of passing out, just as I happen by."
Pike goes back to Buffy's place, having nowhere else to go. He stays on the couch to "make sure the sun comes up and everything."
At a basketball game, Buffy sees that Grueller is now a vampire. She chases after him because he knows who she is and if the vampires ever find out who she is, they can hunt her instead of the other way around.
Buffy chases him to a park where he and a few vampires attack her. Luckily, Pike is there to lend a hand. Unfortunately, Lothos (Buffy's enemy for centuries) also appears, with Amilyn.
He is about to kill her when Merrick interjects, saying she is not ready. Merrick tries to kill Lothos, but is stabbed through the heart himself. Lothos leaves, while Buffy holds the dying Merrick who tells her:
"You must remember: When the music stops, and the rest is..." and he dies.
This disheartens Buffy, who decides to give up Slaying. She argues with Pike about this, as they walk down the street. She decides to go to the senior dance, something
Pike thinks is a waste of time when there are vampires to kill.
Unfortunately, Benny is nearby and hears that Buffy if the Slayer.
Just then, vampires break in. Pike and others try to hold them at bay while Buffy goes after Amilyn. She kills him while Lothos watches. He has her in a trance, and is about to feed, when the power
in the gym is cut (the two are in the school's basement) and the music stops. Merrick's words come back to her, and it breaks her out of the trance. Lothos attempts to regain his hold
but fails. Buffy runs.
The final showdown occurs in the gym, where numerous bodies of the undead already lay. The two enemies battle, and Buffy is the victor. She and Pike reunite. At the end of the movie, the two ride off on his bike into the sunset.
I left out many scenes in this summary. Some were important ones too, while I kept in ones which weren't. But the above gives the basic gist of the plot, with some insight into my favorite moments.
After the game, Buffy and her friends go to the mall. They discuss which cinema to go to while they enter an elevator.
The door is stopped from closing by the intrusive hand of an oddly dressed gentleman, Merrick, the same man who trained the Slayer we
saw in the opening scene. He says nothing - merely stares. Buffy exclaims: "Excuse much! Rude or anything?" and shuts the door. We see Merrick looking after her.
When the girls meet up at a cafe, they argue mildly about why they have to invite every senior ("Because it's the senior dance" argues Buffy, "just a shot in the dark").
Pike and Benny come in, drunk, and hit on the girls. Then they realise they are the girls who annoyed them by incessantly chattering
throughout the movie the other night. "We hate you guys," Pike tells them. "Like we care, I'm sure," Kimberly replies. Benny presents a hot dog
to Buffy, pretending it is a piece of his anatomy (me trying to be delicate) but Buffy skilfully "wastes" it by chopping it lengthwise in two with a butter knife.
After a cheerleading practice, Buffy stays behind to practice some gymnastics. Merrick watches her, and Buffy is surprised to see the man standing there in the gym.
Merrick tells her he has been looking for her to give her her birthright. "What is that, like a trust fund or something?" Buffy asks. Merrick tries to convince her to come with him
to the graveyard at midnight. She says that her trust fund wouldn't be in the graveyard and thinks he's a pervert. Merrick tells her that she has to go in time to
"stop the killing, to stop the vampires." Unfortunately, this just convinces her that he is nuts. Even when he knows about the Mark of the Coven that she bears ("you mean that
big ol' hairy mole? Eeeewww, I had thing removed!") doesn't change her mind, until Merrick shows that he knows that she dreams about past lives, and he can even
tell her things about them that she never told to anyone. So she goes with him to the graveyard that evening.
At the dance, Buffy finds out that her boyfriend dumped her by leaving a message on her answering machine. She is really upset. Pike shows up, and to her friends' amazement, she dances with him, and they kiss.