Sex: Female
Clan: Ventrue
Generation: 12th
Position: Ancilla
Born: New Chelsea, IL, USA. 1840.
Brown eyes, brown hair, about 5'6" and, though upper class, enjoys wearing cheerful, bright clothing.
Victoria was raised, also in New Chelsea, where she was taught to seek the beauty in other things. To preserve, as her sire did to her.
She was always a great lover of the theatre and used to plague her sire until she was let go. On release from her sire this was one of her main hunting grounds. The upper class society would flock to the theatre for a night out, where Victoria was a well known, regular, visitor.
As time passed, the mortals were unable to run the theatre, so it closed down. For many years the city was without a theatre and Victoria asked the Prince to help her out by putting some money together to build another. She was granted this request and now lives in a secluded part of the theatre. The mortals are allowed to run the theatre from day to day, making money for Victoria to pay the Prince back. She still uses the theatre as a hunting ground, using the mortals who run it as pawns.
Her Presence is also fairly strong and her Resilience is by no means weaker.
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