Played by: Susan
Sex: Female
Clan: Tremere
Generation: 13th
Position: Childe
Born: Ireland, 1949.
Young and beautiful with long red hair to her waist with a slight wave. She dresses in attire from before her time.
Tamlin is generally wearing a green velvet dress, low cut, and very long.
Tamlin is young. Embraced when she was only 20, she has only been a vampire for 30 years. She is ambitious, and naive.
She is strongest at auspex-psychic. She already had tendencies this way before being Sired, which has only made her stronger.
Thaumaturgy-magic is her second strength. Although new to it, she has learned quickly , and has a thirst to continue to learn it.
Dominate-mind control, is what she still hasn't gotten the hang of - she has choosen to focus on the other powers,
and has neglected this one. Her raw talent sometimes backfires when least expected. She can't control this power yet.
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