Sex: Male
Clan: Brujah
Generation: 8th
Position: Primogen, Elder
Born: October 13th, 1216 in Rauss, Austria.
Now, Rutger Leick is the Prince of New Chelsea, having slain Alexander Laplace to seize the throne. He rules with an iron fist, but may find the city too much for one person to control.
Leick had a few young Brujah blood-bonded to him, until they were killed last year, and he keeps a young Ghoul called Trini Hiroshi whom he uses to carry out his dirty work. Due to his lack of servants, Leick accepted the help of a Ventrue called Hope Chitcka who is on her way to being Blood Bound to him. In return, Leick will help her take revenge on her sister.
Lapalce would not allow Rutger to beget Progeny, thus he drained a Toreador and replaced her blood with Brujah. Now she is something else, and Leick's paramour at his side.
Though he is known for his brutish temper and a strong hand, Leick has usually been one to work in the shadows, play the town like a puppeteer. But now, thrust into the limelight, Leick is taken to excess. He is still angry about many things that occurred, and has several scores to settle.
Fighting for the Crystal of Darkness, Leick lost his left hand, which he replaces with a rotation of metallic implements. Frost, who took his hand and many of his Brujah, is (or was) Leick's greatest enemy. He now has the whole city as an enemy, though his allies (which include the mysterious Cray - who was formerly known to Rutger only as a voice inside his head) stand by him always.
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