Played by: Non-player character
Sex: Female
Clan: Caitiff
Generation: 10th
Position: Ancilla
Born: 1890. Paris, France.
5' 9". Dark brown eyes, Dark brown hair. Often wears a black
leather jumpsuit covered by a black trench coat.
While she was still mortal, a Kindred became obsessed with
Rachelle Proulx, who was 19. He watched each night as she performed in small
plays in Paris theaters. Rachelle seemed to have a bright future until
the night that the Cainite obtained permission to Embrace her. The
Kindred planed to Sire her and force her to love him. Fortunately fate
had another design for her. The Kindred cornered her in dark alley and
made her a Vampire. The scene was observed by another Kindred - a
renegade Caitiff called Fredrick Frost. Frost tried to stop him
from Embracing her, but he was too late. The deed was done. Frost killed
the other Kindred - also a Caitiff. Frost then took Rachelle under his wing and showed her how to
fight. He also instilled in her a deep hatred for the Ventrue Clan who
had taken away his life.
In time, the two Kindred grew to love each other. They stayed
together 55 years and have been on and off since then. Rachelle helped
Frost escape the clutches of an ancient Kindred in New York in 1995. After that they
parted company once again until 1998 where Rachelle was once again asked
to help Frost break free from the ancient.
Domination - Strongest
Presence - Moderately strong
Potence - Weak
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