Sex: Male
Clan: Gangrel
Generation: 7th
Position: Primogen, Elder
Born: Maude, Belgium. November 8th, 1407.
He appears to have had a generally average childhood. He did little travelling until his twenties, and most of his human life is completely unknown. For some unknown reason, duCharne was Embraced by an unnamed Gangrel Elder when Lucien was in his fifties.
He then led the normal Kindred life. Through the first century of his unlife, duCharne moved from city to city, learning many languages. He would eventually become Primogen of a European city (which one is unconfirmed) before disappearing altogether from history. Most assume he spent this time travelling, but that is speculation only.
Less than a hundred years ago, Lucien duCharne appeared in Canada, where he was Prince of a small town in the middle of nowhere. Recently, he moved to New Chelsea, where he is the Gangrel Primogen.
Most in New Chelsea know not to anger duCharne. Although he appears quiet (sometimes his voice is so soft you must strain to make out his words) his demeanor hides a ferocious temper which is always fighting just beneath the surface, scratching to get out and run wild.