Played by: Shannon
Sex: Female
Clan: Tremere
Generation: 10th
Position: Ancilla
Born: 1865 Galway, Ireland.
Short brown hair, green eyes. 5'4, about 130 pounds. Rounded face, pretty.
Whole family murdered in a witch massacre. Moved from city to city for the last hundred or so years.
Can be very sneaky, deceitful, but has extreme loyalty to people she cares about. She currently resides
in New Chelsea and has some power in the rulings.
Leanna is very strong at Thaumaturgy. With the right preparation, she is able to teleport herself great distances, though
this is extremely dangerous to attempt.
Her Auspex is also strong, allowing her to look into people's thoughts with little effort.
However, her Dominate is almost non-existent.
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