Name: Juan Andretti
Played by: Ruben
Clan: Brujah
Generation: 13th
Position: Childe
Born: Italy, Berbate de Franco, 1951.
The police eventually caught up to him and send him to Juvenile Hall. His
parents expressed shock, but he could see they were secretly pleased that their
beloved son had struck a blow for white superiority. He took advantage of his
'vacation' to study up on Hitler, find out who it was he was acting for. Soon,
he realized the Führer had it right. When he got out, he hit the streets,
meeting with others that shared his opinion.
The fact that he actually knew what he was talking about, and was able to quote
Hitler's speeches, soon gave him an air of importance to others of his ilk.
Soon, he was leading them in their attacks on minorities. Shortly after that, he
was approached by someone who said they could give him real power to get back at
his enemies. He accepted. He has no regrets.
Right now he walks the streets of Chicago and with the sight of an early
morning sun he gets his rest in the John Hancock Center, in a cellar beneath the
He likes to drive on his Harley Davidson, can shoot very well and his speciality
is his fighting knife. Also he can brawl outstandingly and can intimidate somebody
Normally black hair, when it's not shaved for two days.
Brown eyes.
Height: 1.76m
Weight: 75kg
Scars on his chest (from the fights)
Juan was an average high school student, in a mostly white suburb. He just kind of
fell in with some other kids that pushed the superiority of the white race.
Black criminals never robbed him, and his dad never lost a job to the Japanese.
Nonetheless, deep down he got satisfaction from painting a swastika on a black
family's garage.
Celerity: Juan has strong Celerity. He isn't that slow, he can manage himself very well.
Other Skills:
Potence: Juan is a very strong guy (he never met somebody who had the guts to
take it from him). He's very fond of streetfighting and if he can't win ... he
just takes his Glock 20, club or knife.
Presence: Weak Presence.
Juan knows some things too about: investigation, law, linguistics (Italian),
occult and politics.
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