Played by: Non-player character
Sex: Female
Position: Prospective Get
Born: New Chelsea, Illinois. January 21st, 1979.
Mature looking young woman, with average build.
Medium length, dark, wavy hair, brown eyes.
Jennifer lived in the city of New Chelsea for most of her life. Her
mother and father split up when she was 3 years old.
Her mother took her and her sibling brother and bought an apartment in
the Southend.
She was a really good student and was in her first year at the
University of New Chelsea, studying Psychology.
Jennifer did not return home on the 11th of November 1998. She was 19
at the time and is now officially reported 'missing.'
Jennifer was abducted by Karenthuras, the Tremere, while she was in the
forest with three friends.
She was taken to his lair where she has been kept for months.
There, she learns what she can from the great library which Karl keeps.
Little does she realise, she's actually learning the basis for becoming
a great sorcerer, like her soon-to-be-Sire.
Jennifer has a very mature attitude to go with her looks.
She also has a liking to 'sentimental' jewellery.
Karenthuras senses in her the prospect for a powerful sorceress. That is why he kept her, and
will Embrace her.
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