Name: Blackthorn
Played by: Graham
Clan: Gangrel
Generation: 8th
Position: Elder
Born: ?
6' 2" 190 pounds. Wears a black overcoat, and a gold chain around neck. Well
washed blue jeans. Short hair, almost crew cut, about half an inch long. Always
carries two magnums at his waist, Berrata tucked into his ankel holster, 36/6
strapped to his back, two combat knives in specially designed wrist holsters,
claymore strapped to back (is enchanted so as to cut through anything), chest brace
of throwing knives and poisoned darts. Has in his possission a large arsenal wich
he can summon to him with his will.
Member of the Sabbat until the 18th century when he got into a
fight with the city's leader and killed him. He later killed every vampire in the town
with the help of his gang. This left the city in shambles and the humans of the
city in fear. After several more incidents in which he was forced to kill, he
came to New Chelsea.
Protean - strongest
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Fortitude - second
Animilism - least
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