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Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
This spelling of Wesley's name is definitely correct (there was some debate - and I was
previously wrong). The episode Guise Will Be Guise ends with Angel reading a magazine.
Although the WB logo obscured the caption to Wesley's photo somewhat (in the UK, when it eventually airs, this will
not be a problem - so write me to confirm, Brits), his name is definitely spelled 'Wyndam-Pryce' not
'Wyndham-Pryce' as I have used in the past. Although the last two letters are off the screen, it's definitely
hyphenated (some drop the hyphen for some reason) and 'Pryce' definitely has a 'Y' (many Net commentators
have an 'I' in its place). Thanks for the (belated) official word, Angel team!
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, fresh from the Watchers' Council vats, arrived in Sunnydale
to replace Rupert Giles as Buffy and Faith's Watcher. he was immediately disliked by
everyone (except some viewers such as myself). No one wanted any Watcher besides
Giles, and Wesley was smug and prissy. Not too dissimilar from Giles, when
he arrived, fresh from his job as curator of a British museum (or the British Museum,
I'm not sure)...
Grudgingly accepted, Wesley was always second fiddle to Giles, who the Slayers and
their friends always went to first with information. The only person who respected
and admired Wesley was, ironically in hindsight, young Miss Cordelia Chase.
For whatever reason, Cordy took an instant shine to Wesley, and spent the rest
of the year chasing the immature Watcher. When they eventually shared a disastrous kiss,
the two bid each other farewell, thinking neither would see each other again.
Ironically, Wesley may have been a better Watcher than Giles. His knowledge was
fresh in his mind (he immediately identified the El Illiminati and found them in a
book, when Buffy first met him) and he always kept the ultimate goal in mind (see Choices,
when everyone else was putting Willow's life ahead of the world, and Wesley alone
kept a cool head - his advice would have saved dozens of lives come Graduation Day).
But, for several reasons, Wesley was fired, and became unable to return to his native England.
After much soul-searching, Wyndam-Pryce became a rogue demon hunter, chasing demons all across the country if necessary,
just to slay them and keep humanity safe. As in most things, though, Wes proved
a little clumsy and awkward at it, and consented to work for Angel at his office.
One thing to note about Wesley is that his main flaw is his lack of self-confidence. When
push comes to shove, he can be eloquent and steady (see, for only one example, The Ring,
as he tracks down Angel) and a man you want by your side. His self-doubts, though,
always undermine him. His unhappy childhood (his father was abusive) and his low status
in everyone's eyes, cause him to make mistakes he should not have to make. In
time, his confidence will grow, and evil everywhere will have to watch out.
Wesley is very much a man in search of himself. His vocation shifts often, and
he is forced to keep up. He does not know who he is, who he should be, or
what his calling is. With Angel's help, he will discover more about himself
and his place in the world. For now, though, he will continue to give what
aid he can to Angel Investigations.
Info and links on Alexis Denisof to come... |